Monday, April 13, 2015

Mindsets that Stunt Business Growth: #1-Education Resistance.

Snippet from Business Consultant Ava St Clair

“I own a business so I don’t need any more education”.
This is more of an internal script, but I hear it loud and clear, often. Owning a business is the last Zion. It isn’t. Getting your incorporation papers and opening the shop doors is a great success, but not the last one. Just because you own a business does not mean you know what you’re doing. You still have a lot to learn. If you own one business, you could probably run it better. If you own two or more, you could learn how to franchise. And if you have franchisees, you could certainly learn how to manage them better. Becoming more educated about your craft or the hard numbers side of your business is imperative. Taking business accounting at the community college doesn’t make you look dumb, it just means that you don’t know something and you are learning how to do it. Take pride in becoming more educated and share the information with others. 
William Alexander Leidesdorff was the first African American millionaire. He continued learning throughout his trade from his father and mentors.William Alexander Leidesdorff was the first African American millionaire. He continued learning throughout his trade from his father and mentors.

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